How to Keep Your Oral Health in Top-Notch Condition During Holiday Parties

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The holidays are right around the corner. Before you get too busy with your festivities, our dentist, Dr. Claudia J. Trujillo, would like to prepare you now on how to take good care of your smile. That way you will know exactly what you need to do when the holiday parties book your calendar.

First, keep up on oral hygiene leading up to the holiday season. This means you need to brush your teeth twice a day, floss your teeth once a day, and rinse your mouth once a day. If you’re due for your routine checkup, you should also visit our office before the holidays arrive. These things can help you have strong teeth and gums that can survive the upcoming season.

Second, choose to eat tooth-healthy holiday snacks during your parties. If you stick to the celery, cheese, and carrots, you’ll be set. It’s best to cut back or avoid the sugary snacks so your teeth don’t have a chance of suffering tooth decay.

Third, select your party beverage carefully with your smile in mind. As you may already know, sugary beverages can promote cavities, so it’s best to avoid those as much as possible. Other drinks can stain and erode your tooth enamel, like coffee, black tea, wine, and soda. So, it’s best to stick to drinking water.

Call My Fresno Family Dentist today at 559-432-2975 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more about how to have a healthy holiday smile in Fresno, California. The more you know, the better, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!